CanAge BC is getting the ball rolling to identify priority issues for older adults across the province. They attended the 2022 Provincial Summit on Aging throughout April 27-29, hosted by United Way British Columbia’s Healthy Aging. This was a great opportunity to meet like minded BC residents, learn of the important work being done in the province, and hear from experts about the most pressing challenges.
They also collected opinions from residents across BC with an Issue Survey, encouraging anyone interested to raise issues and potential solutions relating to older adults in the province.
Lastly, CanAge BC submitted feedback for the City of Richmond’s Senior Strategy 2022-2032 Draft, which was open for public consultation. They reviewed the draft, identified gaps, and provided constructive feedback that the strategy should have more specifics on what it plans to implement with more measurable outcomes. CanAge BC aims to continue providing feedback on senior strategies in BC, and to become regular stakeholders for consultation on senior related matters.
Next steps include synthesizing learnings from the Provincial Summit and the Issue Survey in the coming months, and planning related advocacy campaigns to address priority issues.