This has been a hard year. Tax season doesn’t have to make it harder!
Over the past three years, many older adults have suffered a high degree of uncertainty around their personal finances. How will COVID-19 affect their tax return? Will it affect their retirement? Where should they start looking for the information they need to file their return with confidence?
CanAge is here to help!
A great way to ease your mind is to become more informed. Improving your financial literacy (your level of knowledge and confidence around managing your money), gives you more control over your money.
We’ve collected some useful resources to help you do your taxes, taking into account changes caused by COVID-19.
Need personal help filing your tax return?
Find a free, volunteer-led tax clinic near you! (available in-person and virtual)
New tool to find government benefits
The Benefits Wayfinder is an online tool from Prosper Canada that simplifies the search for federal and provincial/territorial government benefits helping people on low and modest incomes find and track benefits they could get.
Helpful information to file your return
The resources below are from credible sources you can trust. They contain resources and information specifically designed for older people, as well as for their caregivers and families.
Just the Facts is a series of financial topics presented in an unbiased, objective and straightforward way to help Canadians learn the basics of managing money. Created by Chartered Professional Accountants Canada, this resource collection aims to improve financial literacy, giving people better understanding and confidence in money matters often unclear to many Canadians.
Want more great resources like these straight to your inbox?
CanAge is working to ensure that seniors can file their taxes without accessibility barriers and should have access to ways to gain knowledge about the importance of filing taxes
As Canada’s National Seniors Advocacy Organization, CanAge is working tirelessly to ensure no older person has to worry about supporting themselves after a lifetime of hard work.
Our comprehensive policy platform, VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada charts a clear path forward in improving the lives of all older Canadians, including easily-actionable recommendations governments can take to protect the savings and financial security of older people (under E for Economic Security). Issues covered include:
- Tax Filing for Seniors
- Funding Retirement in Uncertain Times
- Protecting Pensioners from Corporate Default and Protect Deferred Wages
- Dispute Resolution with Financial Institutions
- Banking and Investment Sector Seniors’ Reforms
- Workforce Inclusion
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Other Useful Resources
Personal Income Tax
General information about filing personal income taxes, due dates for filing and payments, what you need to report, and types of deductions you can claim, and how to check the status of your refund.
Visit the Government of Canada site for more information.
T1 Income Tax Package
A Government of Canada web page that provides links to file your personal taxes online as well as a website where paper tax forms can be ordered for the current year and previous years. It also contains links to province and territory-specific forms and guides. File online for free – Free certified software products are available to file your income tax return online.
Visit the Government of Canada site for more information.