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Past Webinars
Powers of Attorney 101 Part 2:
Integrating Knowledge into Your Practice
March 15, 2021
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, President and CEO CanAge
This session will explore how to distinguish yourself in your workplace with expertise in powers of attorney and mental capacity. Use this knowledge as a launch pad into your professional practice. Cases will be discussed with an “ask me anything” at the end of the session.
This is your chance to learn how to implement knowledge to real cases from an interdisciplinary perspective. This free ‘not to be missed’ session is only offered once a term – don’t miss out. Register now!
Join Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national seniors’ advocacy organization, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Social Work Gerontology Program and Fellow of the Institute for Life Course and Aging. Laura is one of Canada’s top experts in the field, a sought-after speaker and frequent media commentator on these issues.
Date & Time: March 22, 2021| 12 PM – 1 PM EST
Made Possible with Support From:
CanAge Conversations: Personal Portraits
November 6, 2020
CanAge, Canada’s National Seniors’ Advocacy Organization, honours all our veterans and their sacrifice. Visit CanAge/Portraits for personal interviews with veterans telling their stories and join us in honouring their sacrifice.
– Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO, CanAge
Community-Academic Link: Pathways to Careers in Aging VIRTUAL PIZZA LUNCH - ONLINE WEBINAR
November 9, 2020
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, President and CEO CanAge
Are you interested in a career in the field of ageing? Are you thinking about what to pursue after graduation and what paths you could take?
There are many stimulating and rewarding opportunities for students and professionals in the field of ageing! Watch Laura Tamblyn Watts, president and CEO of CanAge, along with experts discussed career opportunities and pathways in the exciting field of ageing! Watch this virtual event for the opportunity to discover what a future career path could look like.
Made Possible with Support From:
Mental Capacity and Powers of Attorney: What You Need to Know Both Personally and Professionally
November 2, 2020
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, President and CEO CanAge
With support from The Law Foundation of Ontario, and University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash School of Social Work, Institute for Life Course and Aging, CanAge has launched the Power of Attorney webinar series! How to Be a Power of Attorney in Ontario – A Free Webinar for Everyone.
In this session Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge will provide information (Ontario based) on how to navigate the difficult waters of mental capacity and advance planning. While everyone needs to know this information in their own lives, every social worker, lawyer, and health care provider needs to be up to date regarding the laws, systems and red flags associated with the Power of Attorney (POA) to meet their professional obligations.
Made Possible with Support From:
National Seniors Day Expert Round Table: "How to Make Canada More Age-Inclusive"
October 1, 2020
Thank you for celebrating Canada’s 30th anniversary of National Seniors Day with us! CanAge and HelpAge Canada are pleased that you joined this important Expert Round Table Discussion on ‘How to Make Canada More Age-Inclusive’.
Hosted by: Cynthia Mulligan, Journalist
Métis Welcome: Kerry Baisley, CanAge Fellow
Guest Presenter: Vickery Bowles, City Librarian, Toronto Public Library
- Expert Panel:
The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors - Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
- Gregor Sneddon, Executive Director of HelpAge Canada
- Greg Shaw, Director International and Corporate Relations for the International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
- Margaret Gillis, President of the International Longevity Centre Canada (ILC)
- Kahir Lalji, Executive Director, United Way Southern Interior BC & Provincial Director of Population Health, United Way of the Lower Mainland
- Dr. Alex Mihailidis, Scientific Director, AGE-WELL
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors Webinar Series
The launch of the online series “VOICES of Canada’s Seniors – A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada”
The Roadmap provides 6 compass points (V.O.I.C.E.S.) for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues that affect older Canadians. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of Canadians now and in the future.
Watch these free online events as our panel of experts in the field of ageing discussed each compass point relative to making Canada more age-inclusive. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, these discussions and courses of action are more vital than ever before.
See the full list of speakers and biographies.
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"V - Violence and Abuse Prevention"
October 2, 2020
In Canada, 1 in 6 older adults have experienced a form of abuse. Resources for elder abuse are too limited, resulting in restricted places to report and a lack of public awareness and education. VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues that affect older Canadians. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of Canadians now and in the future.
This session focused on the compass point V – Violence and Abuse Prevention.
Hosted by: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Krista James, National Director, Canadian Centre for Elder Law
- Isobel Mackenzie, Office of the Seniors Advocate British Columbia, BC Seniors Advocate
- Raeann Rideout, Director Provincial Partnerships and Outreach, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
- Mary Ennis, Newfoundland Elder Abuse
- Elizabeth Siegel, Director of Information and Referral Services and SeniorNL
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"O - Optimal Health & Wellness"
October 2, 2020
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of older Canadians now and in the future.
This session focused on compass point O – Optimal Health and Wellness.
Health and wellness are the cornerstones of positive and active aging in Canada. Canadian seniors deserve equitable access to healthcare regardless of locale or income. Our health system must invest in preventive care and well-being initiatives emphasizing nutrition, movement, sleep, mental health, and social activity in addition to acute and chronic care services. Watch our expert panel as they discussed the current state of the health care system along with recommendations for improvement.
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Dr. Nathan Stall, Geriatrician at Mount Sinai Hospital and a research fellow at the University of Toronto
- Dr. John Muscedere, Scientific Director and CEO Canadian Frailty Network, Queen’s University/Kingston General Hospital
- Sherry Dahlke, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta
- Dr. Karen Kobayashi, PhD, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor in the Department of Sociology, and a Research Affiliate at the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, University of Victoria
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"I - Infection Prevention and Disaster Response"
October 5, 2020
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of older Canadians now and in the future.
This session focused on compass point I – Infection Prevention and Disaster Response
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Dr. Kumanan Wilson, MD, MSc, FRCPC. Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- Greg Shaw, Director International and Corporate Relations for the International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
- Stephen Cornish, CEO, David Suzuki Foundation, former Executive Director of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders Canada
- Umberto Leone, Pharmacist
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"C - Caregiving, Long-Term Care, Home Care and Housing Resources"
October 5, 2020
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of older Canadians now and in the future.
This session focused on compass point C – Care Giving, Long-term Care, Home Care and Housing Resources
Canada has no National Quality Standards or national licensing for LTC, which has led to substandard, even fatal conditions. Many seniors do not have adequate, publicly funded home care to allow them to age in place. Watch our expert panel as they discussed the current state of the LTC and home care landscape in Canada along with recommendations for improvement.
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Rachel Blaney, Member of Parliament North Island—Powell River, BC
- Amy Coupal, CEO, ON Caregiver Organization
- Donna Duncan, CEO, ON Long-Term Care Association
- Dee Lender, Executive Director, ON Association of Residents’ Councils
- Jennifer Wakegijig, Northern ON School of Medicine, Principal Consultant at Unity, Perspective & Innovation
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"E - Economic Security"
October 6, 2020
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of older Canadians now and in the future.
This session will focus on compass point E – Economic Security
Canadian consumers have little protection or power to resolve disputes with financial institutions and limited management autonomy of retirement savings. They need – and deserve – protection from corporate default on pensions. Watch our expert panel as they discussed the current state of this economic situation along with recommendations for improvement.
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Michael Powell, President, Canadian Federation of Pensioners
- Laurie Campbell, Consumer Credit and Money Expert
- Lucy Becker, Vice-President, Public Affairs and Member Education Services, Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
- Deborah Gillis – Senior Legal Counsel, Financial and Consumer Services Commission
VOICES of Canada's Seniors Webinar Series -
"S - Social Inclusion"
October 6, 2020
VOICES of Canada’s Seniors: A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada provides 6 compass points for areas of attention. Under each compass point, we map critical issues. We provide recommendations and practical steps with the aim of improving the lives of older Canadians now and in the future.
This session will focus on compass point S – Social Inclusion
Seniors experience the highest degree of loneliness and social exclusion, which can significantly decrease life expectancy, physical well-being and mental health. Ageism is often found as a key underlying cause of social exclusion, discrimination, and social vulnerability. Watch our expert panel as they discussed ageism in Canada, social isolation and its impact on health.
Host: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge
Expert Panel:
- Dr. Raza Mirza, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Life Course and Aging, U of T and Network Manager for NICE.
- Emily Jones Joannise, Co-Founder and CEO, Connected Canadians
- Alex Carruthers, Toronto Public Library Manager, Learning & Community Engagement
- Kahir Lalji, Executive Director, United Way Southern Interior BC
- Gregor Sneddon, Executive Director, HelpAge Canada
CanAge Conversations: "Setting the Stage for Advocacy in Long-Term Care and Beyond for People With Dementia"
July 28, 2020
CanAge Conversations #1 with Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, debuted with a vital live webinar, the first in a series of Advocacy focused sessions:
”Setting the Stage for Advocacy in Long-Term Care and Beyond for People With Dementia” in collaboration with Grier Dementia Training, Dementia Advocacy Canada, The Alzheimer Society of Ontario, and Dementia Alliance International.
WEAAD 2020 - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Expert Panel Discussion: "Is Social Isolation Elder Abuse?"
June 15, 2020
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and CanAge would like to thank you for attending the WEAAD Interactive On-line Panel Discussion “Is social isolation elder abuse?” on June 15th, 2020.
The recording and Power Point Presentation of the webinar have been posted on the partner organization website for viewing.
- View on the Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario website
- View on the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse website