Yesterday (June 15th) we, alongside our partners Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, hosted a national online event on ending elder abuse in Canada in honour of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
Nearly 1000 concerned citizens joined the movement to protect the human rights of seniors, signalling their support that older people have the right to:
- Access justice
- Quality healthcare that meets their needs
- Live free from abuse
- Safe and affordable housing
- Financial security
A panel of leading experts brought a wealth of insight and expertise to the conversation, answering our guests’ questions and empowering all of us to take action in our communities to protect older people from harm.
Here are some highlights from the event:
- 83% of attendees said elder abuse is a very important issue in Canada after the event (up from 77% at the beginning)
- Sara Plant (President and CEO, Scotiatrust and MD Private Trust) spoke about steps Scotia Wealth Management is taking to protect the financial security of older Canadians, including actively encouraging them to plan ahead, educating them to better understand their financial goals, and empowering them to recognize the warning signs of financial abuse.
- Kevin Hoyt (CEO Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB), Vice-Chair of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)) spoke about the CSA’s strong mandate for investor protection, and introduced the Minister of Seniors.
- Federal Minister of Seniors Deb Schulte announced the launch of government consultations with experts, stakeholders and Canadians on a definition of senior abuse. Find out more
- Dr. Lynn McDonald (Scientific Director of the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)) was presented with the Dr. Elizabeth Podnieks Award for Elder Rights In Canada by Minister Schulte. The award acknowledges Dr. McDonald’s tremendous contributions in the field of aging studies and elder abuse awareness and prevention. It recognizes a lifetime of leadership, research, prevention and empowerment in the field.
Ending elder abuse doesn’t happen overnight
We’re keeping the spirit of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day alive all year round.
Even if you missed our event on the 15th, you can still sign your name in support of ending elder abuse in our country. You’ll receive our new quarterly WEAAD newsletter, with updates on our work on the issue, resources and other important information you can use to protect seniors in your community from harm.
Click the button below and then click “Join the Movement” in the top menu bar!
Thank you to our sponsors
Thank you again to our WEAAD sponsors for making this important event possible!
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