Completing your Census questionnaire is an important way to influence the programs, supports and funding we all rely on as we age!
The 2021 Census is underway now, so make sure you complete it online or by paper!
Census materials are available in a variety of formats, including large print, braille, audio and video formats. If you need assistance to complete your questionnaire or would like to receive a paper version, we encourage you to contact the Census Help Line at 1-855-340-2021.
Statistics Canada enumerators have begun to follow up with households who have not yet responded to the census. All enumerators are provided an official identification card, including their name and photo, indicating they are employees of Statistics Canada. If you are unsure of the identity of the person, please contact the Census Help Line. In the context of COVID-19, Statistics Canada will be following practices aligned with the strictest health and safety directives from public health authorities—observing physical distancing, wearing masks, and using hand sanitizer.